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Overages - buy additional credits over your limit!
Overages - buy additional credits over your limit!

You can now buy extra credits without upgrading!

Updated this week

❗️ IMPORTANT NOTE: Overages are only applicable for Essential legacy and Scale/Scale AI legacy plans. These are plans purchased before October 10, 2024) and will not be applicable for current pricing plans.

How can I enable Content Editor overage?

From your Settings go to the current usage page. The owner of the account or account admins are the only ones who can enable the "Content Editor - overage” by toggling it (just like the GIF below). Then, all members of the organization can take advantage of Content Editor overage.

How is Content Editor overage calculated and charged?

Depending on the plan you are currently on, you will have a threshold (No. of Content editors over the limit) where we will charge for your Content Editor Overages before your renewal.


Essential (legacy)

Scale (legacy)/Scale AI

Threshold (No. of content editors we start charging above the limit)



Cost for one credit above the limit



Cost for overage threshold



Maximum number of overage credits per period




  • If your overage is lower than your plan's threshold, you will be charged at the end of your billing period, alongside the renewal, or when you change your plan (upgrades and downgrades).

  • If your overage is equal to or higher than your plan’s threshold, you will be charged within about an hour of creating the overage queries.

You can track your additional Content Editor usage on your current usage page:

Are the additional credits added to my monthly limit?

No. Overage credits are not added to your monthly limit. You will pay for overage credits only after you create Content Editor queries above your plan's limit. Those will be immediately consumed.

I used all my yearly credits already, but my billing period has not ended yet. How can I get more credits?

When it comes to Content Editor, you can allow creating more Content Editors after the baseline limit is exceeded through your current usage page. For AI credits, you can always purchase on-demand AI bundles on top of any subscription. More about it right here.

Are overages available in Legacy Plans?

Content Editor overages is no longer available for current pricing. Overages are not available for plans purchased after October 2024. If you're on any of our older Legacy Plans or have the latest subscription plan and need more credits, please reach out to the support team for further assistance.

Basic, Pro, Business

Essential (legacy), Scale (legacy)/Scale AI

Overage access



Do Start and Max Plan holders have overages?

Yes! Max and Start plans are not offered as current plans anymore, but active users on these plans can still take advantage of Content Editor overages.

For Start plan, your threshold is 5 Content Editors, which costs $3 per one credit above the limit, so the cost of overage threshold is $15.

For Max plan, your threshold is 25 Content Editors, which also costs $3 per one credit above the limit, so the cost of overage threshold is $75.

For both Start and Max plans, your maximum number of overage credits per period is 50.

KEEP IN MIND: For users with overages in their plan and will be making use of them, you will be sent an invoice for the number of credits used over the limit. Invoices will either be sent in about an hour once you have reached a certain threshold or on your next billing date.

Do you still need help? Don't worry! You can contact us at [email protected] or via live chat by clicking the icon in the bottom-right corner. We're here 24/5! 😊

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