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Topical Map

A better, simplified, and easier way to help you build Topical Authority.

Updated over a week ago

Topic Explorer is now called Topical Map. Changes have been recently implemented to create a more cohesive interface.

Choosing the right keywords for your Content is fundamental to getting great results, but the process can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

But not anymore!

Introducing our newest and improved Topic Explorer for finding new article ideas, filling out any gaps in your content, and building your Topical Authority. 🏄

Here's Jakub Sadowski, Topic Explorer's Product Manager, explaining what it is and how it works:

And here's a written explanation 👇

What is Topical Map?

Our new tool gathers four different methods to identify new opportunities for your content by analyzing your topical coverage and finding “neighbor” topic clusters based on semantic similarity.

This means we can offer more accurate suggestions on what you should write next and a clear overview of your current status and progress.

With Topic Explorer, you get to:

  • Review your current topical coverage at a glance with Topics Visualization.

  • Quickly identify gaps in your Content and see what to work on next.

  • Speed up your Keyword selection process and get instant Article ideas with clusters you have not covered yet.

  • Consult and compare your competitor's topical coverage.

  • Monitor your page positions (GSC integration required).

  • And, of course, boost your Topical Authority.

How to use and navigate Topical Map?

Inside Topic Explorer, you will find four options, each one designed to cover a different focus. If it's your first time using this tool, you'll see an “Empty View” with the “Create Topic Explorer” button at the center.

Once you have at least 1 query created, use the “Explore new topics” button in the top right corner to create new queries.

🚀 Now, let's explore all three ways to explore new topics:

1. Domain 

This is your best option as it offers more accurate suggestions and insights based on your Google Search Console data, along with an overview of your topical authority to understand your strengths and areas of improvement better.

Some of the helpful functions you get when using Domain with GSC

  • URL positions

  • See their actual topical coverage

  • Track ongoing work (mark articles as covered and new article ideas)

  • Find gaps in their content by analyzing what you are missing and getting new article ideas.

It works by fetching Keywords from your GSC console data and clustering them to build a map of your domain. Next, we take the top Keyword by CTR (click trough rate) and Impressions to search for “neighbor” clusters based on semantic similarities.

One of the great things about Domain is that it is not limited to working with one domain. You can connect multiple domains and create a Domain Map for each with auto-updates every 30 days to reflect your ongoing work and changes in SERP.

  • To start, you must enable the Google Search Console integration by connecting the account with the verified Domain. Remember, the email account can be different from your Surfer registered email.

  • Once the integration is enabled, you'll get a list of available domains when selecting Domain Map. Choose the one you wish to work with and select the location.

We currently support 23 locations, which are the ones most requested. You'll get only the countries where your domain is ranking.

  • Let's give it a few minutes while we fetch the data and get things ready to start working on your domain.

The layout and functions:

At the top, we get some insights into the overall domain to understand better where you currently stand.

  • Coverage articles: The first figure represents the number of covered articles, and the second figure is the total of articles we have prepared for you.

  • Keywords in TOP 3, 10, 50: Those are the number of keywords ranking on a given position.

  • Search Volume: That’s the total search volume of your keywords. It can also give you an idea of your potential traffic.

  • All articles: Display all the articles covered and not covered, which is the default view. And because some of them could be covered, you’ll see the Positions column.

  • New articles: Those are the articles and clusters you have yet to cover. So, spotting the full list of articles you should work on next is easier. Because these articles are not covered yet, instead of seeing the positions, you get Topics.

  • Select in bulk: You can now select multiple articles at once to archive or create CE and AI articles in bulk (below is the amplified screenshot for the pop-up menu when selecting one or more articles).

Inside a covered article:

The figures shown at the top for keywords, average difficulty, and Search Volume refer to the overall cluster.

Then, you have the breakdown with numbers for each keyword, including the Position, impression, and the URL (Status) where the given keyword is included.

Competitors: By clicking the icons, you can consult the competitor's article ranking for the keywords in the cluster.

Filters: We also included our traditional Difficulty and Search Volume filter option. Plus, here’s where you can see up to 100 pages ranking for that Topic.

You can use the input field to quickly search for the competitor you wish to compare yourself against.

Topics Visualization

It's the perfect complement for having a better sense and understanding of your current topical coverage.

On the graph, the hexagons and colors represent as follows:

  • Grayed out - means it's filtereit'st

  • Big hexagon on middle - topic

  • Small hexagon - articles

You have two primary filters represented by color shade.

  • Avg. difficulty (graded from white to purple, where purple represents the most difficulty)

  • Cluster coverage (purple - covered) (white - not covered)

The cluster in the center is the closest to your initial input (if you typed in the keyword) Or to your best keyword on GSC. Then, neighbor clusters are ordered from High (closest in semantic similarity) to low.

You also get our regular filters:

  • Difficulty

  • Search volume

  • Competitors: You could either select from the list or add another competitor and consult how they are doing

Cannibalization Report

This is a new Beta improvement added for our most savvy users who want to dive into cannibalization.

To generate the report, you want to press the Export Icon and select Cannibalization Report, as shown in the gif below:

The goal is to help you spot pages in similar positions targeting the same keyword to consolidate overlapping Content. For this criterion, we consider the number of impressions. That's pages that take less than 80% of the impressions.

2. Topical M

This is a great alternative for exploring article ideas without a verified domain. While it does not require Google Search Console, it also means that some functions won’t work, such as:

  • Status: shows if a keyword is covered and in what URL is included

  • Positions: the page position for a given keyword.

  • New article ideas: shows which articles are not covered yet

  • Topics Visualization: Coverage

Keyword Research can now be found directly in your dashboard as an independent app.


Are there any minimum requirements for domains to operate with Domain Map?

Yes. We primarily fetch keywords from your domain, taking into account impressions and click-through rates. Due to that, smaller or newer domains will need to put in extra effort to boost their content before they can use Domain Map. We recommend conducting Keyword Research first for this purpose.

How can I mark my article as covered?

This is only possible with Google Search Console integration. Articles automatically show a Covered status when you complete at least 30% of the cluster from that article.

Which countries are supported for Domain Map?

We currently support 23 countries with the most Keyword Research usage:

  • United States

  • Poland

  • Austria

  • Canada - EN

  • United Kingdom

  • Venezuela

  • Australia

  • Czechia

  • Hungary

  • New Zealand

  • Switzerland - DE

  • Mexico

  • Finland

  • Brazil

  • Singapore

  • Spain

  • Italy

  • India - EN

  • Sweden

  • Germany

  • Denmark

  • France

  • Netherlands

The location I want to work in Domain Map is not showing as an option for me, but it's on your list of supported countries.

You can only get the locations from the countries you are currently ranking.

"Multiple URLs from your site are ranking in this article idea keyword cluster."

This is a hint indicating you need to optimize your domain because multiple of your URLs are ranking for the same keywords.

When I try to open some of my queries, I get a message about an upgrade. Why?

Our team recently implemented a new improvement that gets fresh data for queries in Topic Explorer. So queries created before April 1st need to be recreated as those are no longer compatible with the new logic 🙏

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