🔌 Surfer API Add-on
The Surfer API add-on allows you to integrate Surfer's key features into your workflows or tools using our public API. This add-on is designed for developers, agencies, and technical SEO professionals who want to automate parts of their SEO process without relying on the Surfer web interface.
💳 Pricing
The API add-on is available for $29/month and is included for free only in the Enterprise plan.
Please get in touch with us via live chat or [email protected] if you want to purchase the API add-on.
Contact [email protected] if you're interested in the Enterprise plan.
🚀 What Can You Do with the API?
With the API add-on, you can:
Create and manage Content Editor and Surfer AI queries
Automate Audit and SERP Analyzer data extraction (if your plan includes these tools)
Generate shareable links
Access structured SEO data for reporting or dashboard integration
You can visit our technical API documentation page for a deeper look at the Surfer API functionality.